Diana Carroll, FNP
Diana is an Air Force Veteran who decided to become a Nurse Practitioner after leaving the Air Force. She completed her BSN in Louisiana and practiced as an RN in Las Vegas in acute care. She shared that during her first pregnancy she became very interested in all things medical and wanted to be like the Nurse Practitioner that she saw during much of her pregnancy. She completed her DNP last May (2020), graduating from the University of Nevada, Reno.
Diana currently lives in Germany with her husband and four kids, and she loves to travel (she has also lived in South Korea, was deployed to Iraq, and has traveled to many other places). She will continue to live in Germany commuting to Arizona for work – she will really be testing her love for travel! Her hobbies include hiking, jogging, reading, and playing the piano. She speaks a little German and is always trying to learn more. She loves spicy food and is especially fond of Thai, Indian, and Korean food.